This is a PRE-RECORDED four-part webinar offering you the opportunity to view them at any time at your convenience - All sessions are approximately 90 minutes in length.
I am very excited to have offer you this PRE-RECORDED webinar. It is set up to be an experiential opportunity in learning mindfulness skills. Your videos and digital manual are available for immediate download upon purchase.
Regarding your technology
The prerecorded video can be viewed on any devices, including your phone, iPad, laptop, or your desktop. Ideally, a larger device such as the laptop or desktop will enhance the viewer’s experience of the content.
Regarding questions that arise while viewing of the webinar
If you have any questions during the prerecorded webinar, you are welcome to email those questions to me at: mindyourego@gmail.com , or text them to me on my cell at: 440.708.8028. I will be happy to respond as quickly as possible to enhance your experience of the prerecorded webinar.
161 Page Digital Manual
Your purchase includes an immediate download to the 161 page digital manual for the webinar which includes all the slides to the webinar, participant training materials, and 39 pages of handouts for clients/patients. You do not have to have access to the manual during the presentation, unless you so desire. Remember, since all of the slides are in the manual, you can easily review the content by opening up the digital manual on your desktop. For your convenience, the manual is attached to this email.
Your Course Evaluation
Upon completion of your fourth session, please click on this link below to complete your evaluation of the course.
The course evaluation should be completed once you have participated in all four individual sessions. After we receive your evaluation, you will receive your CE certificate for your contact hours approximately five business days after the completion of the evaluation.
Your License Number - If your license is from the State of Florida or Ohio
If you are a social worker, counselor, or marriage and family therapist – in the state of Ohio & Florida, and you would like us to submit your completion of this day Fiala speaking workshop you should the webinar to CE Broker, email your license number to www.mindyourego@gmail.com. We will post it to the CE Broker website within five business days after completion of your evaluation. Simply follow the guidelines we have listed below:
The State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board uses CE Broker to track the data of workshop attendance. Your license number should begin with a letter, followed by a “period” and a seven digit number. There are no spaces, even between the “period” and first digit. Please do not use a hyphen and do not underline the number. (For example: I.0003267)
Also - The State of Florida Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board uses CE Broker to track the data of workshop attendance. Your license number should begin with the letters that identify your designation i.e. SW, MT, MH or CN followed by your license number. There are no spaces between the letters and numbers. Please do not use a hyphen and do not underline the number. (For example: MH02445)
Test Requirement for OHIO Social Workers, Counselors, and MFTs
If you are licensed in the state of Ohio, the State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board requires you to take a 30 question test with a passing grade of 75% when viewing a PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR. Click on the following LINK to complete the questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K5YHCSJ
Receiving your CE certificate
It would be helpful if you would email me at: mindyourego@gmail.com, when you completed the webinar and the evaluation. If your license is from Ohio, email me after you have complete the required 30 question test and evaluation. This way I can email you your certificate ASAP.
NOT AT THIS TIME --- Participants from UTAH
The NASW Continuing Education Committee of Utah requires each participant to complete a questionnaire with a minimum of 6 correct answers out of 8 questions. This will ensure your receipt of your CE certificate. Simply click on this link - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V8VNCBK
Within 72 hours we will notify you of your score, and if necessary, you can retake the quiz.
FINALLY - Regarding Copyright
I realize the internet has made “sharing” extremely convenient for many individuals. However, I am asking for you to respect the copyright of this content by not sharing it with anyone, except for clients or for your personal use. If you know someone who is interested in this content, please tell them to email me at: mindyourego@gmail.com and I will do what I can to address their interests. By purchasing this PRE-RECORDED webinar, you are agreeing to the conditions of the copyright set forth here. Thank you for accommodating this request.
(“Your attendance of this PRE-RECORDED webinar provides you with David Fiala's permission to make copies of the materials for your own personal and professional use. You also agree to keep David Fiala's name and phone number on the originals.")
Once again, thank you for interest in this powerful topic,
David Fiala