Thank you for your evaluation. Your CE certificate will be sent in approximately 5 BUSINESS DAYS.
I am very grateful for your participation in this webinar. David Fiala
REGARDING A PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR - The State of Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board requires each participant to answer the following 30 questions with a minimum of 21 correct answers out of 30 questions, for a passing grade of 70%. This will ensure your receipt of your CE certificate. We will notify you of your score via email ASAP, or within approximately 3 business days, and if necessary, you can retake the quiz.
IN ADDITION TO THIS QUESTIONNAIRE, you will need to complete the course evaluation listed just above this section - which is required by the licensing board. The course evaluation is separate from this questionnaire. All feedback is welcomed. Please enter your full name and phone number as it appears on your license.
The NASW Continuing Education Committee of Utah requires each participant to answer the following questionnaire with a minimum of 6 correct answers out of 8 questions. This will ensure your receipt of your CE certificate. Within 72 hours we will notify you of your score, and if necessary, you can retake the quiz.